Terms of Use

These website terms of use are entered into by and between you and AutoLovin Inc. (“ AutoLovin ”, “ we ,” or “ us ”). The following terms and conditions, together with any documents they expressly incorporate by reference (collectively, the “ Terms ”), govern your access to and use of this website, together with any other websites, applications and services (collectively, the “ Sites ” and individually, a “Site”) offered by AutoLovin.

By using the Sites or any features or functionality available on the Sites, you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree to be bound by these Terms, you must discontinue use of the Sites immediately.

These Terms of Use were last updated on 13/05/24.

All of the articles and other content published on the Sites are original works and are protected under applicable copyrights and other proprietary (including but not limited to intellectual property) rights, and are the intellectual property of AutoLovin.

All images unless stated otherwise featured in our site are taken from “CC-BY” sources that allow for free usage of media across the internet.

Accuracy OF Content On AutoLovin

AutoLovin strives for accuracy in all that we write, aiming to be one of the most reliable sources of content on the web; however, the information on the Sites may contain errors or inaccuracies, and we do not make any warranty, representation or guarantee as to the accuracy of such information. You acknowledge that the Sites, and the information, data and materials contained on the Sites, may contain inaccuracies and errors, and we expressly exclude liability for any such inaccuracies or errors. If you do come across any discrepancy in content on AutoLovin mail us at [email protected] with a screen grab and URL of the webpage along with the correct information and its source for prompt action.

Use Of Content On AutoLovin

The Sites are intended solely for your personal and non-commercial use, and not for the use or benefit of any third party. If you are below the age of consent under applicable law in the jurisdiction in which you reside, your parent or legal guardian must read and accept these Terms in your name and on your behalf.

AutoLovin allows its original content to be made available for non-commercial reproduction with a mandatory credit to the Sites from which the content originates, including both a link to such Sites and the brand logo displayed. You may also reproduce extracts, quotes or screenshots from the Sites with a mandatory credit and link to the Sites.

In any non-commercial reproduction, you may not suggest that AutoLovin or the Sites endorse you or your use of the work.

The rights granted to you shall in no way affect your fair dealing or fair use rights, or other applicable copyright exceptions and limitations and/or rights other persons may have either in the work itself or in how the work is used, such as publicity or privacy rights.

This does not include the right to republish images from the Sites, for which AutoLovin may not be the copyright holders, except in the context of a screenshot of the whole website. AutoLovin makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees for third-party use of content that appears on the Sites.

All other copying, rearrangement, broadcast, rewriting for broadcast or publication, redistribution, modification, use or publication by you in any medium, directly or indirectly, of any such matters or any part of the Sites, including the removal or alteration of advertising, except for the limited rights of use granted to you hereunder, is strictly prohibited.

In any circumstance, the content may not be used on any site that promotes adult content (pornography), hate, racism or any illegal content.


As we respect the intellectual property rights of others, AutoLovin has a policy of removing user submissions and other content that violates copyright law, under Title 17 of the United States Code, Section 512.

It is our policy to expeditiously respond to proper notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), (the text of which can be found at the U.S. Copyright Office Web Site, https://www.copyright.gov/).

It is expected that all users of any part of the Sites will comply with applicable copyright laws. If, however, we receive proper notification of claimed copyright infringement, our response to such notices will include removing or disabling access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity and/or terminating contributors, regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under United States law or the laws of another jurisdiction.

If we remove or disable access in response to such a notice, we will make a good-faith attempt to contact the creator of the affected content so that they may make a counter-notification according to Sections 512(g)(2) and (3) of the DMCA. We may also document notices of alleged infringement on which we act.

Upon receipt of proper notification of claimed infringement, AutoLovin will follow the procedures outlined herein and in the DMCA.

To file a notice of infringement with AutoLovin, you must provide a written communication (by email, fax, and mail) that sets forth the information specified in the list below.

Please note that you will be liable for damages (including costs and attorney’s fees) if you materially misrepresent that material is infringing your copyright(s). Accordingly, if you are not sure if you are the proper copyright holder or if copyright laws protect your material of, you may want to consult an attorney.


Users/visitors may post comments as long as the contents of such comments are not illegal, obscene, threatening, libelous or racist, and otherwise conform with these Terms. The contents of any comments shall not invade someone’s privacy or infringe anyone’s intellectual property rights or be reprehensible.

The user/visitor shall remain responsible for the contents of their comments. As such, the AutoLovin do not control the content of comments posted on the Sites and cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, nor the veracity of the information published on the Sites. AutoLovin cannot be held responsible for the content, existence, nature, quality, legality, security and conformity of any comment posted on the Sites.

Please make sure your contributions and comments are relevant, appropriate and polite. Do not personally attack anyone or post comments that are insulting, defamatory or racist, which expose you to potential legal action. AutoLovin reserves the right to modify or delete comments which breach the Sites’ policies. You agree to communicate true and genuine information that does not breach any law or regulation in force. Allegations that are unfounded or libelous are forbidden.

Usurping the identity of an individual or of an entity is forbidden. It is also forbidden to mislead someone regarding the source of a comment or statement.

We may, at any time and at in our entire discretion, suppress or remove any comments or contributions you make on the Sites, for any reason or no reason. It is understood that we do not have the obligation to review all postings/comments.

All comments are considered property of AutoLovin and all correspondence is considered available for publication. By submitting a comment, posting or article, you agree that your comments may be edited to correct errors, remove obscenities or hateful language, or otherwise alter or remove your comment, posting or article from this weblog without notice to you. Email addresses submitted with comments will not be sold or spammed by us.

Any interested party can request for the deletion or modification of a comment if he or she is the subject of such comment and if the content of such comment is in breach of these Terms. A request for the withdrawal of a comment shall be sent to [email protected] with a link to the comment and the reason for it to be deemed in breach.

AutoLovin is not responsible for the content of any statement (comment or other) submitted by a user. AutoLovin may, further to a complaint or a comment, look at the content of any statement and edit out in whole or in part any statement that is either inappropriate, defamatory, untrue, or in breach of these Terms. Such complaints about comments may be sent to [email protected]


These Terms are current as of the “updated” date at the top of this page. AutoLovin reserves the exclusive right to modify these Terms at any time. Non-material changes and clarifications will take effect immediately. Material changes will take effect up to 30 days after their posting. The posting date of each modification will be set out at the end of the document. Any continued use of the Sites will be deemed conclusive of your acceptance of these Terms as modified.


AutoLovin undertakes not to use or disclose the information provided by its users for any other purpose than providing services. However, AutoLovin cannot guarantee the confidentiality of the information submitted over the Internet. As such, users must accept the entire responsibility if confidential information is disclosed. Further, AutoLovin will work with law enforcement to provide information about any investigation or crime.


“The content available on or through the sites is not intended to constitute financial advice. It does not recommend, endorse, or advise regarding any financial instrument or investment strategy. Additionally, in addition to all other limitations and disclaimers in the agreement, we and our licensors, vendors, and/or service providers disclaim any liability or loss in connection with the content obtained on or through the sites.”

How To Contact US

For any queries and suggestions regarding anything concerning AutoLovin.com contact us 24/7 at [email protected]