Aston Martin is one of the most well-known car British car manufacturers for making some of the most classy production cars. One of them is the insane Aston Martin One-77, it is a limited production car limited to only 77 vehicles which makes it so exclusive, even James Bond could not get his hand on one of the. If you are planning to add one of these cars to your collection, mentioned below are 10 things that you need to keep while buying the car.

Aston Martin is considered one of the best car manufacturers from the land of Britain. Most people know the brand because of James Bond Rides choice, and how it merges class and performance as a certainly appealing package. Revealed in the 2008 Paris Motor Show, the Aston Martin One-77 is one of their best creations that depicted the capabilities of Aston Martin as a car manufacturer.

It came with the most powerful naturally aspirated engine, (at that time) which was a 7.3 liter DOHC V12 engine that was capable of producing an insane 750 horsepower and 553 lb-ft of torque. The bummer was, it only came with a 6-speed automatic transmission which is not particularly the greatest one and left the owners wanting more. With that said, if you are in the market to get one for yourself, we have compiled a list of essential stuff that will help you get the best possible deal.

10. The engine

Aston Martin One-77 - front, rear view, engine

The Aston Martin One-77 came with a state-of-the-art engine and at that time it was the most potent naturally aspirated production engine to be ever featured in a car. The engine was based on the manufacturer’s own 6.0L V12 engine that was sent to the Cosworth engineers, which completely ripped apart the engine and increased the capacity to 7.2 Liters which now produces a peak output of 750 horsepower. While inspecting the engine make sure that it is idling perfectly without breathing and hiccups. Look for some unusual noises because they can indicate a problem that can be very expensive to repair.

09. Transmission and other exhaustible components

Aston Martin One-77 - Transmission and other exhaustible components

The transmission was the only component in the car that was not up to the mark, the 6-speed automatic did not cause any distress however it would have been better if Aston Martin had gone with a more updated one. While inspecting the vehicle you need to check all the things that wear off such as the brakes, gearbox, and tires because the cost to repair them can be huge and also you can negotiate to bring the prices down based on these factors.

08. Limited numbers

White Aston Martin One-77 - front, side, rear view

Aston Martin One-77 is one of the most exclusive cars to be produced by the British car manufacturer. There were 77 of these cars that were ever produced and all of them were sold before the delivery started in 2011. However, there was one prototype that was converted into a roadgoing model which takes the total to 78 cars. The exclusive nature of the car increases the demand among people which further increases the prices.

07. Tracked or not

Green Aston Martin One-77 - front, rear view

Aston Martin One-77 is a performance-oriented car and the best place to check the capability of the car people take it to the track. However tracking a car puts a lot of stress on the components, and the constant stress can damage the mechanical elements of the vehicle. Therefore checking whether the car is tracked will help you to save money and time in the future when consequences become apparent.

06. Look for panel gaps

Aston Martin One-77 exterior

The first thing you notice about any car is the exterior, it is the first defensive line between you and the forces of nature which keeps you protected all the time. You have to take a thorough look at the exterior and look for any deformities because the cost of replacement components is super expensive. Also, make sure that there are no panel gaps because it indicates the car has gone through an accident.

05. Try it before you buy it

Aston Martin One-77 test drive

A test drive is the most crucial part of any car inspection because it is the only way you can check the mechanical functioning of the car. Keep a close look when you start the vehicle and look for any unusual sound when you rev the engine. While driving the car make sure to give it the beans and how it reacts during acceleration. Also, keep a close eye on the shifting speed and look for any delay in the process.

04. Check the service records

Aston Martin One-77

The service records are a great way to check how the car has been maintained. If a car is serviced properly the condition of the car remains adequate and it will also help you to know about the frequent problems it had in the past. This information allows you to evaluate the operational as well as the maintenance cost of the car.

03. Insurance is expensive

Aston Martin One-77 Insurence

Also, consider the fact if you are buying the Aston Martin One-77 the insurance prices are on the higher side for these cars. Because they are built in limited production numbers which makes it difficult to procure and also inflates the prices because the demand is super high. Although it does not affect the owners of these cars as they are multi-millionaires, still this can add to the overall ownership of the car.

02. Maintenance can be overwhelming

Aston Martin One-77 - front grille. headlights, wheels

Similarly, maintenance is also one such aspect that you need to keep in mind while going for the Aston Martin One-77 because these cars use a lot of technology and engineering brilliance to be manufactured. There changing even the smallest of things can cost a lot of money. To get an idea a leakage in the air conditioning system will set you somewhere around $45,000 and replacing something as small as a windshield wiper can easily take $10,000 out of your pocket. This might be too much because you can buy a new Toyota 86 with this much money, however, this is what it takes to own one of the best pieces of automotive history.

01. The price of the car

Aston Martin One-77 - top, front, side view

The price of the car itself has inflated to almost double, because of exclusivity and increased demand. When launched the Aston Martin One-77 came with a steep price tag of $1.5 million and a perfect example now will command $1.8-$2 million easily. If you can afford one, we, first of all, congratulate you on all your success but it is still an expensive car. You can also consider this car as a good investment because of its increasing value every year.